
2021 - 2022年成就报告

This report memorializes our progress over the past academic year and outlines our plans for the upcoming year.  We remain committed to the College’s implementation of anti-racism by framing 所有 that we do in our program through an ADEI lens.  事实上, regular conversations among 所有 staff and faculty in 电影及传媒研究 about ADEI are central to our planning, 课程安排, 招聘, 和更多的.



Our paraprofessional position is one of the more demanding positions of its type on campus.  Our para-profs have significant responsibility in the operation of our program by aiding our technical director, 支持我们的电影制作课程的装备检查, 共同制作我们的纪录片系列 简而言之 《赌博正规的十大网站》PBS, 并支持我们的许多面向公众的活动(包括访问演讲者), 艺术家, 和检查).

在学年开始的时候, we made a concerted effort to give our para-prof (Melissa Mañuel) greater autonomy, 自由, 我们节目的声音.  Realizing that some previous para-profs had felt that they faced many demands in the job but had few opportunities to contribute their own perspective on the program’s day-to-day operation, we emphasized to Melissa that she had an equal voice to contribute and to take initiative. 梅丽莎充分利用了这些机会, 创造“星期五电影”,一个街区放映两次的电影, 强调与ADEI问题相协调的当代电影. 我们将运营预算的很大一部分用于资助“电影星期五”, providing catered meals so that students (not limited to FMS 专业) and faculty could gather in an inclusive space to view and discuss films without academic pressures or expectations. 虽然梅丽莎已经有了新的机会, we are continuing the program and making it a core feature of 电影及传媒研究 for the future, 强调周五电影是未来专业人士的空间, 专业, 和其他感兴趣的学生根据他们的兴趣策划放映.



Three of our four core faculty applied for and received Mellon “Humanities for Our Times” grants to develop new courses in Equity and Power. Scott Krzych正在开发一门新课程,“美国的种族资本主义”.S. 电影与媒体(1970年至今). Arom Choi和Baran german正在开发一门新的团队授课课程, 类型电影制作:现实主义,,意在教学生如何看待来自不同种族的艺术家, 种族, 性别, and sexual backgrounds rigorously expanded what reality is and how it can be represented on screen.  迪伦·纳尔逊计划在来年开设自己的新课程.

We also remain committed to our institutional relationship with Georgia State University’s department of Moving Image Studies. The program at GSU is our first point of contact whenever we have visitor blocks available in film studies.  我们计划在2023年春季推出一个区块, 由亚历山德拉·雷恩戈教授授课, 题为, 《黑魔法的流动性,” a course that “focuses on ‘ensembles’ of contemporary black visual 艺术家 and filmmakers who practice what, 在2004年关于罗马·比尔登作品的会议上, 托尼·莫里森形容为“流动性”的黑色艺术, i.e., a constant intermingling between art forms and the understanding and practicing of one in terms of another: jazz as collage, 作为音乐的摄影, 声音作为活动图像, 作为色彩的电影运动.

实践、流程 & 政策

We made significant strides this year to address ADEI issues in our Documentary Exploration Grant program.  Under Baran Germen’s leadership this past year (as current FMS faculty lead for the program), we sought to make the program more welcoming to a diverse body of students by eliminating the tax inequity faced by international students when receiving awards (which can be as large as $10,000元(单一项目). 以前, 不像美国公民和永久居民, international students without “native” collaborators would be charged with an amount (up to 30%) that would be deducted from their grant monies, 因此,最终获得的资金比最初的奖励少得多. 现在, 助学金计划涵盖了学生额外的税务费用, and the more equitable distribution of our resources 所有ows us to reach a wider student population. Last year we were able to support two solo projects led by international students. We consider this an important development in that it 所有ows us to think about our anti-racism transnation所有y.

这与我们努力消除获取赠款的障碍是一致的, 我们还优先考虑了更多代表性不足的商店, 听见的声音, 以及评选委员会决策过程中的紧迫问题. 这主要是由于委员会的组成, 每年从教师和学生中挑选三名新成员. The compositional makeup of the committee was not only diverse; we also emphasized projects that addressed matters of social justice. 简而言之, the committee has been increasingly motivated not simply by the merit of the applicants but also the significance of their proposed stories.  The committee has opted to support projects engaged with larger social questions especi所有y this year, such as the ones on the ecological and habitual effects of the border w所有 construction in the Guadalupe Canyon and on the social afterlife of an ex-mining town in Zambia, 都是从当地的角度来讲述的.

最后, Dylan Nelson has worked to diversify our pool of mentors who work with our student grantees, 试着去联系, ,包括, 来自不同背景的导师.

计划为2022 - 2023年

Our most significant plan for the upcoming academic year concerns a complete re-vamping of our senior thesis process and requirements, 当我们在提案过程中采用更自由的方法时, 教师审核, 指导, 最后的输出.

从历史上看, students have been tasked with proposing a senior thesis capstone by the end of their junior year. 全体教员(以及准专业人员)审查这些建议, 在夏天批准或要求修改. We realized that the structure of the proposal process might privilege domestic students who may, 有时, 更容易在同龄人中建立强大的社交网络, 或者更愿意直言不讳地表达自己的想法. 在回应, 我们已经分解了毕业论文的层次结构, emphasizing collaboration among students and faculty along 所有 steps of the process. 也许最重要的是,提案的风险已经降低,因为 所有 老年人可以提前参加老年人电影. We have also dismantled the hierarchical structure of the thesis projects: if students wish to write/direct their own project from start to finish, that remains a possibility; but if a student is passionate about one area of creative practice (say, 服装设计), 然后他们可能会选择在多个项目上工作, emphasizing their area of interest/passion and likewise making the entire thesis process more holistic and collaborative for the senior class as a whole.

实际上, we have made the students co-collaborators in the very crafting of the thesis requirements and grading process, taking inspiration from liberatory and de-colonizing pedagogies that seek to make students equal participants in the development of their own education and educational practices.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 08/29/2022