
位于Divide附近, 科罗拉多州, 小屋提高了学术性, 休闲, 以及校园的住宿项目. 客舱的主要用途是上课, 学生组织, 领导撤退, 体育团队, 学院办公室, 和部门. While it provides a retreat that is hopefully relaxing and fun, 它不打算成为一个“聚会”的地方.

The entire college community is responsible for the preservation of the 40 acres of mountain property and the cabin. It is asked that all that enjoy the beauty of the setting while protecting the environment so that future generations attending CC May enjoy the area in its natural state.


Total sleep capacity of 30; 6 bunk beds allowing 12 individuals to sleep upstairs, 楼下6张单人床, 还有12块可以铺在机舱各处的垫子.



为了支持学院的使命, official college related reservations are given priority over personal reservations for faculty and staff. Official college related reservations will have priority to reserve cabin spaces according to the following timeline. Reservations made outside of the priority time frames will be taken on a first come, 先得制. 

可以在 峰会.



2月1日- 7月31日










  •  客舱每次最多可预订2晚.  The 户外教育 Department may give approval for additional use.
  • Reservations must be requested on 户外教育 峰会 in advance. Reservation requests will be reviewed and approved through 峰会. 请在48-72小时内处理所有请求.
  • 预订必须由教师/工作人员申请.


  • CC班及常务委员会
    • Academic Classes and standing committees have highest priority.
    • A member of the faculty, staff, or administration must accompany classes using the cabin.  This person must pick up the cabin packet and keys and provide budget codes in case charges are incurred.
    • There is no charge to use the cabin; however, the department will be charged $50 if any of the guidelines are violated or if there is damage to the cabin. 根据损坏程度,可能会收取额外费用.
  • CC非学术团体(部门及机构)
    • This includes groups chartered by CCSGA  or recognized by the College, 宿舍楼翼, 领导撤退, 还有运动队.
    • A member of the faculty, staff, or administration must accompany 学生组织.  The faculty/staff person must pick up the cabin packet and keys and provide budget codes in case charges are incurred.
    • 7月1日开始, 2024年,使用机舱每晚收费25美元, and the department or organization will be charged $50 if any of the guidelines are violated or if there is damage to the cabin. 根据损坏程度,可能会收取额外费用.
  • CC教员 & 员工个人预约
    • Individual members of the faculty or staff may make reservations limited to once each semester.  个人可能没有家庭团聚, 婚宴, 或者主办任何形式的外部组织. 
    • 费用是65美元.我要在这里过夜.  此费用必须在峰会使用信用卡提前支付. Note, beginning July 1, 2024, the charge will rate will increase to $75 per night.
    • Questions regarding this policy may be directed to 户外教育 at 719-389-6943.


All reservations must be cancelled 48 hours prior to your scheduled date to avoid a $65.00费.



 这里有严格的 禁止吸烟 客舱财产政策.

Fire Ban Update: The CC cabin will have a fire ban from May 1st-October 1st. No fires allowed in the outdoor fire pit during this timeframe.

  • When hiking, please follow the trail or the road to the cabin that starts from the parking area.  它有很好的爪印和箭头标记.  This is very important so that we do not tear up the delicate flora of the cabin environment.  Flashlights are necessary if departing or arriving after dark.
  • 机舱内装有电炉, 冰箱, 锅, 咖啡壶, 以及烹饪和饮食用具. 提供必要的清洁用品.
  •  The cabin has complete plumbing including three showers, flush toilets, and hot water.  你必须自带毛巾.
    • 客舱没有配备床上用品, 你们必须自备睡袋和枕头. There are 12 bunks with mattresses and 13 additional sleeping pads.
    • 所有的食物都必须搬进来.  All trash (including recyclable and cardboard boxes) must be carried out.  Please do not leave any food in the cabin or in the 冰箱 because it will be consumed, 不是喜欢冒险的大学生, 而是由饥饿的老鼠或气味难闻的细菌引起的! 
    • 使用客舱的每个小组必须保持客舱的清洁和消毒.  清洁用品放在厨房的扫帚柜里.  If the cabin is not left in a clean condition, you will be charged a $50 cleaning fee.
    • 请明智地使用柴火.  Burn only with the stove door closed or with the protective screen in place.  Use the ceiling fan to circulate the warm air that has risen to the ceiling.  Make certain stove doors are tightly closed before leaving the cabin.  Use the metal bucket on the hearth to transport ashes from the stove to the cement container that is near the stairs on the west side of the deck.  把炉灰扔到甲板上.
    • 严禁明火.  小屋 users are welcome to make fires in the stone fireplace on the west side of the cabin.  Be sure that all coals are extinguished with water and that the fireplace doors are tightly closed before leaving the premises.
    • Be sure to complete everything on the enclosed Lock-Up Checklist at the end of your stay. 客人必须在出发时打扫客舱.
    • 电话只供紧急情况使用.  电话号码是719-748-8170.
  • The cabin and surrounding college property shall be considered an extension of the 科罗拉多大学 campus and therefore all College rules shall apply, 包括学校的酒精政策.   请参阅Pathfinder了解完整的酒精政策. 
  • Please respect the privacy and property lines of the neighbors and remember that noise carries easily across the valley.
  • 办理入住手续的时间是预订当天中午12点. 退房时间是预订的最后一天中午12点. 



For more information, contact the Office of 户外教育 at outdoored@lunchpenny.com 


报告问题 - 最后更新: 04/17/2024