Leave of Absences

Full-Time Student

While enrolled as a full-time student, you can take three or four blocks per semester. A student that has full-time status can also take a half-block class, and as many adjunct classes as they like, without it impacting the cost of their tuition (however, full-time students only receive credit for three adjuncts per semester, unless their major requires more). To drop a block, take a leave of absence, or withdraw from the college, please contact a hub staff advisor in the Student Opportunities and Advising Hub. You can schedule an appointment here: http://sfj.lunchpenny.com/other/advising-hub/.

Below are several possibilities of what a full-time student may choose to do during a semester. Please note that these are only examples, and do not represent all possible block/adjunct/half block combinations for a full-time student.


Part-Time Student

As a part time student, you can take one or two blocks per semester. A part-time student may take as as many adjunct classes as they like, but those adjuncts are NOT included with the cost of part-time tuition--the student would have to pay for each adjunct class individually. Part time tuition also does NOT cover half block. Attending as a part-time student can also impact financial aid, so students are encouraged to meet with the financial aid office beforehand, as to best understand how their financial aid package may be impacted.

Below are several possibilities of what a student may choose to do as a part-time student per semester. Please note that these are only examples, and do not represent all possible block/adjunct combinations for a part-time student.


Tuition Clarification

Many students inquire as to why they have to pay full tuition if they are only taking three blocks during a semester. The answer is that traditional colleges and universities don't charge per credit--if you are a full-time student, you can typically take between 12-16 credits and pay the same full-time tuition price. At Colorado College, students who are enrolled full-time have the option to take between three or four blocks, and up to three adjuncts per semester. We only charge per block if a student is not enrolled full-time, and it is up to the student to decide how many (or few) classes they would like to take during that time, just as it is up to the student at a traditional college or university to decide how many credits they'd like to take per semester.

If you are enrolled as a part-time student (one or two blocks per semester), you pay tuition per block. Per block tuition is 1/3 of full-time tuition. So if you take one block per semester, you would pay 1/3 of tuition. If you take 2 blocks a semester, you pay 2/3 tuition. If you take 3 blocks per semester, you are then bumped up to full-time status, and have the option to take a fourth block and adjuncts as well.

Report an issue - Last updated: 12/17/2020