Awards for Graduating Seniors

The department offers several different awards for students who have performed extraordinarily within the department. Short descriptions of the award follow.

肯尼斯·J. and Elizabeth Hare Curran奖

肯尼斯·J. and Elizabeth Hare Curran奖 is given each year to the outstanding senior graduate in 经济学. The award is given in memory of Professor 肯尼斯·J. Curran and his wife, Elizabeth Hare Curran. He was a beloved teacher of economics, chairman of the department, and dean of the college.

肯尼斯·J. Curran奖

肯尼斯·J. Curran奖 is the result of Curran's deep commitment to the liberal arts ideal. It is given to the graduate in economics with the highest academic average in courses taken in the divisions of humanities and natural sciences, with a minimum of nine units outside the 经济学 Department.

Robert William Kaye Award

The Robert William Kaye Award is presented to the outstanding senior in 业务, 经济学, 和社会.  Robert Kaye was a business major in the Class of 1941. He served his country in World War II in the U.S. Marine Corps and was killed in action in March 1944. This award was established by the family and friends of Captain Kaye.

Robert Rubin Award in Political Economy

This award is given to the outstanding senior graduate in international political economy.

Robert Rubin Award in Mathematical 经济学

This award is given to the outstanding senior graduate in mathematical economics.

罗伯特E. Pizzi学者

Presented to the graduating majors who exemplify a commitment to all aspects of college life including both academic success AND involvement in athletics, student government, community service, and/or extracurricular activities.



哈罗德年代. Geneen Charitable Trust Senior Thesis Stipend Award in Corporate Social Responsibility

Presented to the student(s) who successfully completed senior thesis re搜索 in the areas of business ethics, responsible corporate governance and corporate social responsibility.

阿雷. Werner Thesis Award

Presented to the graduating senior who has written the most outstanding senior thesis.

Robin Satterwhite Thesis Award

Presented to the graduating senior who has done outstanding innovative independent re搜索, either towards his/her senior thesis or some other economics project.

杰罗姆·V. Bruni Re搜索 Award

Presented to senior thesis writers who show promise to produce their thesis results in a peer reviewed journal or to present the paper at a peer reviewed academic meeting.


Honor Societies

Phi Beta Kappa

Presented to student(s) recommended by the faculty to join the Phi Beta Kappa Society. 学生 are selected based on their exemplary academic record and civic achievement, including breadth of inquiry in the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 02/20/2024

  • 肯尼斯·J. and Elizabeth Hare Curran奖
    • 2022-2023
      • 梅森戴维斯
      • Wiktoria Grzech
      • 安德鲁Fresen
      • 杰克史密斯
    •  2021-2022
      • 杨黄
    • 2020-2021
      • 贾丝廷•米勒
    • 2019-20
      • 姚的太阳
    • 2018-19
      • 布鲁克Veale
      • Jairo Pineros Liberato
  • 肯尼斯·J. Curran奖
    • 2022-2023
      • Wiktoria Grzech
    • 2021-2022
      • Phoenix Chang Roper
    • 2020-2021
      • 哈利朱
    • 2019-20
      • Samantha Aronson
    • 2018-19
      • 莱利钦斯
  • Robert William Kaye Prize (经济学)
    • 2022-2023
      • 梅森戴维斯
    • 2021-2022
      • 查理·甘斯
    • 2020-2021
      • 茱莉亚Bazavluk
    • 2019-20
      • 莫莉Hiniker
    • 2018-19
      • 莎拉·劳顿
  • Robert William Kaye Prize (BESoc)
    •  2022-2023
      • Alycia Supperstein
  • 罗伯特E. Rubin Award in Political Economy
    • 2022-2023
      • Alex Neuman-Loreck
    • 2021-2022
      • 马赛厄斯困境
    • 2020-2021
      • 马特·白
    • 2019-20
      • 玛丽亚郑
    • 2018-19
      • 吕西安Malle
  • 罗伯特E. Rubin Award in Mathematical 经济学
    • 2022-2023
      • 阿尼尔中国
    • 2021-2022
      • Bright Throngprasertchai
    • 2020-2021
      • 布丽姬特Galaty
      • 艾娃Kazem
    • 2019-20
      • 克莱尔·阿尔提耶里
    • 2018-19
      • 约旦严厉
  • 哈罗德年代. Geneen Charitable Trust Senior Thesis Stipend Award in Corporate Social Responsibility
    • 2018-19
      • 阿里·贝尔德
      • 艾米·博尔顿
      • Annie Brandstrader
      • 负责挖洞器
      • 大卫Lamis
      • 亚伦·马斯洛
      • 安德鲁·波拉克
      • 格里芬韦斯利
  • 罗伯特E. Pizzi学者
    • 2022-2023
      • Makay汉森
      • 艾米丽·麦金利
    •  2020-2021
      • 安德烈·杜
      • Camilla Gardner
    • 2019-20
      • 莉莉Weissgold
      • 扎克 莱维
    • 2018-19
      • Bryna Coyle
      • 杰克•米勒
  • 阿雷. Werner Thesis Award
    • 2022-2023
      • Lilly Schmachtenberger
    • 2021-2022
      • Camilla Gardner
    • 2020-2021
      • 贾丝廷•米勒
      • 雪莉徐
    •  2019-20
      • Rowan Rockafellow
    • 2018-19
      • 莉莉陈
  • Robin Satterwhite Thesis Award
    • 2022-2023
      • Dova Castaneda Zilly
      • 朱尔斯威力克
    • 2021-2022
      • 黄辉
    • 2020-2021
      • 汉娜凯特
    • 2019-20
      • 娜塔莉Gubbay
    • 2018-20
      • 博博恩斯
  • 杰罗姆·V. Bruni Re搜索 Award
    • 2020-2021
      • 米娅索
      • 扎克 Benevento-Zahner
      • 伊莱Kranefuss
    •  2019-20
      • 艾伦•福克斯
      • 安娜Gurolnick
    • 2018-19
      • 博博恩斯
      • 丹尼尔·基奥
      • 泰迪·科文
      • 麦迪逊李
      • Johannes Mansson