

CCE实习生队2023正如我们公司的名字所暗示的那样, we are a collaboration of people and efforts that support community engagement on and off campus. We see our intern team as a cooperative or "co-op" of students who work toward a common purpose or benefit through a jointly-owned and democratically managed enterprise. 在商业世界里, a cooperative is a way for people to meet their own needs through a company that is owned and operated by the people who use its products and services. The CCE's student intern team is the structure through which students can guide, 直接, and take joint ownership of the work of the CCE. Our goal is to equitably share voice, 权力, 决策, and meaning-making of our office with students.




Student Director of the 邦纳奖学金


主要: 女权主义 & 性别研究

生物: 嗨嗨! My name is Mackenzie, I also go by Mack, and I am the Student Director of the 邦纳奖学金! 我来自丹佛, 狱警,我今年大三, majoring 女权主义 and 性别研究 and minoring in Education. I enjoy making art, cooking, Rummikub, and golfing. 在我在CCE的职责范围内, I am a resource for current and prospective Bonner fellows and put together much of the Bonner programming. By participating in community engagement with the CCE, I found community on and off campus, 我希望你也一样. If you’re interested in how to get involved with the 邦纳奖学金 或者是CCE, 请发邮件给我! 



Student Director of Student Engagement


生物: 大家好! I'm Mila from Macedonia, born and raised in the capital, Skopje. I am the Student Director of Engagement, and I am a sophomore this year, majoring in 政治科学 and 历史, 辅修西班牙语. 在我在CCE的职责范围内, I serve as a resource for all CES and help Sarah oversee and run the program. My passion for community engagement came to light during my last two years of high school that I spent in India, where I had a chance to work with the local community, 无论是校内还是校外. If you have any questions regarding the CES program, community engagement opportunities, 或者是CCE, do not hesitate to reach out to me!





McCune_Brendan2023Student Director of 突破


生物: 我是格里利的大三学生, CO and I am a collector of rare trinkets, 高科技设备, and things of the knick-knack variety. I think 突破 is the bee’s knees because it lets me get to know the Colorado Springs community and the CC community at the same time, which is a pretty stupendous deal.  Also, I think 突破 is right up your alley, anonymous internet user, so come check it out! 


Student Director of Communications



生物: 即将到来的!


Kalikow_Yonah2023Student Director of Communications

Yonah Kalikow 

主要: 犹豫不决

生物: Hi! I am a sophomore at CC from outside of Boston. I am interested in both Organismal Biology and Ecology and Southwest Studies, so I am using my time without a major to continue to explore all CC offers! My interest in community engagement began towards the end of high school and into my gap year when I worked on a small farm that focused on combating food insecurity. I had many opportunities to engage with community organizations and began to see how crucial organizations are to supporting communities. I am excited to continue pursuing this work through the CCE at CC! In my free time I enjoy cooking dinner, fiber arts, and experiencing the outdoors! 


Hoskinson_Jaxon2023Student Director of Communications

Jaxon Hoskinson 

主要: 政治科学 & 哲学

生物: Hi! Jaxon is/ I am a Senior 政治科学 and 哲学 double major who is starting my 3rd 在CCE的一年. 在那个时候, I loved getting to know people and spreading the word about LGBTQIA2+ events and spaces, and I can't wait to do that for all of the awesome opportunities the CCE has to offer. 就我个人而言, the CCE has helped me grow my love for creating community and collaboration with local non profits. I even spent last summer interning at an organization I met through the CCE! I can't wait to help others grow in the same way I have been able to, so don't hesitate to reach out with questions! 


报告问题 - 最后更新: 03/08/2024