How does the CCE collaborate with and support faculty?

在课堂和研究议程中实现社区参与的追求, CCE致力于通过在每个阶段提供智力和实践支持来扩大感兴趣的教师的能力.  特别是, we work to better understand and share how to adapt, 扩展, 利用一个浓缩的, immersive block format for community impact.  CCE员工可以帮助您学习最佳实践和成功模式, act as thought partners in designing a class or re搜索 project, can connect you with partners and community-identified needs, 担任共同促进者,或将你与社区共同促进者联系起来, 并且可以与对应用作业或论文项目感兴趣的学生或顾问一起工作. We also welcome collaboration through your contribution to co-curricular student learning alongside the classroom; feel free to let us know if you’d like to offer a student workshop!

Open to collaborating with the CCE, but not sure where to begin? Below, we've drafted a roadmap of 可能性 for collaboration.

But first, a few things you may be wondering ...

社区参与合作(CCE)通过共同创造社区参与的学习体验,将学生培养成参与的公民,将他们的教育投资于公共利益,从而推进文科教育的公共目标. To accomplish this mission, we get students engaged in community, help to prepare them to engage intentionally, work to integrate community work into classroom experiences, cultivate community partnerships, and bring community to campus as co-educators.

  • Community-Engaged Learning (CEL)最根本的是, 社区参与学习(CEL)课程促进学生学习并对社区产生影响.  几乎, CEL课程包括与社区合作伙伴(非营利组织)的合作, 政府机构, 社会企业, 成员, 领导)围绕旨在帮助学生学习课程内容并使学院以外的社区受益的项目或经验. The most well-known form, 的服务培训, integrates community service into the classroom experience, but there are several way年代 teach for community impact!  其他 models that work on the block include: capacity-building projects, community-engaged re搜索, consulting for the public good, learning from and with community, 实体接触, and co-creative expression and storytelling.
  • Community-Engaged Re搜索 (CER): Re搜索 that invests the pursuit of knowledge in the public good. 由受问题或从业者影响的学者和社区共同创建, 这项研究的目的是产生可操作的知识-导致期望的社会变革.
  • 社区参与: Collaborative effort年代 invest in the common good, 为校园内外社区的生活质量和共享的民主未来做出贡献.






教师发展,课程和基于研究的伙伴关系,教育研讨会 & 学生课程

社区伙伴关系 Coordinator


支持社区组织并与之建立关系, connect partner年代 students/faculty

Civic Leadership Program Coordinator



Student Engagement Coordinator



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刚刚开始? 参加 Publicly Engaged, Actionable Knowledge (PEAK) Project! 该项目旨在通过将CC教育者与社区参与教学项目的非营利合作伙伴联系起来,将校园知识与社区影响联系起来. Here how it works: One semester in advance, 你分享你想要融入社区参与学习项目的课程.  The CCE shares that information with a wide range of partners, 并寻求为你匹配工作与课程一致的合作伙伴.  如果这一轮你不匹配,我们下学期再试一次!

您也可以随时赌博正规的十大网站的社区合作协调员尼基·索萨·加莱戈斯 在与当地组织建立关系方面获得支持,或查看我们的 community organizations database.

Already designed a community-engaged learning course? 标记你的课程! Read more about the criteria and fill out the application online, or email detail年代 这样做可以让我们与其他对社区参与学习感兴趣的教师和学生分享您的工作, 并收集有关我们的校园如何通过课程创造社区影响的数据.

Interested in what courses have been tagged this 一年? Log in to Banner and go to "Class Schedule."  Once you have selected a term, 您可以使用“类型”的下拉菜单来搜索“社区参与学习”课程.

Connect with CCE 导演 乔丹·特拉维斯·拉德克 to brainstorm course design and projects or 尼基·索萨·加莱戈斯, 社区伙伴关系 Coordinator, to explore community partnership 可能性.

加入我们 教师发展 举办“社区参与学习入门”等工作坊, Balancing Community Impact and Student Learning, 权力与道德. 点击这里查看即将举行的活动.

Review our resources for community-engaged teaching and/or re搜索, or grab a book from our office. 我们在这个网页上创建了几个很棒的小抄和1页纸. 

应用 用于社区参与的学习课程或社区参与的研究 mini-grant.
Sign up for the Engaged 教师 listserv or 问题邮件列表 (such as criminal justice, gender & 性取向,或者移民 & 难民正义)

Share more about what you’re already doing with the CCE, so we can share and celebrate your work. 电子邮件

问这个 CCE的工作人员共同促进课程,研讨会,或来分享有针对性的信息 on relevant community work. CCE的工作人员很乐意就如何有意和公平地参与社区工作进行讨论或练习. 另一个例子, 约旦定期为研究型班级提供关于社区参与的研究原则和实践的讲习班.  

Offer your expertise to engaged students in co-curricular spaces,例如,作为CCE的一部分,为学生研讨会提供便利 Changemaker Curriculum workshop series.

Offer your expertise to CCE staff through serving on the CCE Advisory Board. 我们的目标是让不同的利益攸关方参与指导和通报CCE的工作.  我们为不频繁但经过深思熟虑设计的会议提供便利,让利益相关者有机会成为真正的“思想伙伴”,发出有意义的声音. To express interest, email

科罗拉多大学文科在惩教设施倡议(LACF)的使命年代 通过扩大服刑人员接受高等教育的机会,解决高等教育中的不平等问题. 

Through the LACF, 科罗拉多大学 faculty offer 在普韦布洛的少年犯系统(YOS)设施免费学习学分课程, which serves a population of 19 to 25-一年-岁的.  Student receive credit through Pueblo Community College (PCC), 并且保证课程可以作为科罗拉多任何公立高等学府的副学士学位或学士学位的必修课程.  的基础 LACF是一个3-way partnership between 科罗拉多大学, the Colorado Department of Corrections, and Pueblo Community College (PCC).

Find out more, and express interest in participating, here.


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还有问题吗?? CCE主任,博士. 乔丹·特拉维斯·拉德克

份额,探索, & 连接CCE


我们想听听你与社区互动的经历! 讲述你与当地组织合作的经历,这样我们就可以讲述社区参与的故事,并评估如何通过伙伴关系更好地支持校园和当地社区. 







报告问题 - 最后更新: 09/26/2023